Notice: Constant automattic\jetpack\extensions\social_previews\FEATURE_NAME already defined in /home3/thomaso/ on line 14 The Double I Show – Incoherent Idiocy
What a 1st week in the inaugural season of the The Double I Show Fantasy Football League. It certainly was jammed packed with drama. Guys stepping up, Big names out for the season and this is just week 1. How did everyone do? Well let’s get into it. Talk about ...
If you haven’t heard it yet, you must listen to what it’s like to be a nurse on the front lines in NYC fighting Covid-19 Huge THANK YOU & SHOUT OUT to Big A
The Double I Show would like to take a minute to say Rest In Peace Nipsey Hussel. You will be deeply missed as an artist, a Father, a Partner, an entrepreneur and an all around good guy.