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About Us – The Double I Show

The Double I Show

Get to know your hosts

Sweet T delivers a technical oriented, science-based approach to the rhetoric he delivers to his listeners, this creates an extremely unique entertaining way to deliver the messages he talks about.
Sweet T is the Double I Show Creator and Founder. His vast array of interests and his obscure takes on current events, all things technical, politics, and whatever he feels he knows about, will have you scratching your head, (or nuts).
Sweet T developed this platform for the “Regular Guy”.He created a platform to speak of the things that affect all men in today’s world. These topics have a huge range and he will try to cover or delve into all he can.Sweet T has reached out and partnered with R.W King, another “legend in his own mind” type. He was targeted to give some balance to the “scales of justice “that will be needed pertaining to the debates and discussions of this show.
Every show could be the last as these two are definitely a “ticking time bomb” together. Tune in for the fun!

R.W King comes to the show with years of news and sports background. He has a different spin on subjects, and also stands firm on his beliefs. For some reason, like ST, he doesn’t like to be wrong. To the point where he may “change lanes”, just to carry a point. This should be fun to listen to. R.W King came to the show thinking it was a Fantasy Football Show, after signing the agreement, he was told of the platform and that he was locked in by signing the contract.

He is now referred to as R.W Salty (LMAO). Jokes on him, he’s the sucker who trusted ST! All joking aside the 2 hosts will discuss the topics that are important to the everyday man. Topics from the news, sports, current events, sex, food, cars, commute, and a whole cornucopia of goodness for today’s man. They will put their own spin on these topics and deliveries. This will wake it up and keep our listeners interested, amused as well as entertained. Our mantra is to (“Keep up, Don’t Catch Up”)

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