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General – The Double I Show


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Big A Fighting on the Front lines

If you haven’t heard it yet, you must listen to what it’s like to be a nurse on the front lines in NYC fighting Covid-19 Huge THANK YOU & SHOUT OUT to Big A

Sparky Hard at work

Who will be the MVP?

R.I.P Nipsey Hussel

The Double I Show would like to take a minute to say Rest In Peace Nipsey Hussel. You will be deeply missed as an artist, a Father, a Partner, an entrepreneur and an all around good guy.

Our Brackets Suck!!!

Sweet T Vs. R. W King Brackets Sweet T took Duke and tried to ride Zion all the way into the finals. Well, it didn’t quite work out that way. WTF Duke…WTF? R.W King backed up all that shite talking by kickin’ Sweet T in the nutz and dominating this ...

My Bracket is Busted…My Bracket is Busted!!!

Sweet T Vs. R. W King Brackets As you can see…Sweet T has a tough bracket schedule coming up. Duke barely survived it’s last game and now they have to face the Mad Man Izzo. Can Sweet T beat the biggest Shite talker R.W King? R.W King has been doing ...

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